These are pics from my July 2023 trip to Gold Creek Campground near Gunnison, CO

GridSquare DM68rp


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I arrived July 11th, 2023. Here is the campsite before setup.


Campsite setup complete. Canopy over table. EFHW antenna strung horizontaly far side of table.

The canopy is a must at 10,000ft. The sun is very bright and HOT!


Here is my Radio/laptop and dinner table setup.


Here is the view from my front porch looking out over campground towards meadow and mountains.

Front Porch

This is my view of the sun climbing down the mountain in the morning.


This is my view of the sun crossing the meadow in the morning.


During my stay, I took 2 hikes to lakes up at 12,000ft(my campsite was at 10,000ft).

This is a view overlooking the valley the campsite was in from 12,000ft looking South.
